Where do I even begin with this place?
It is more beautiful than I could have known was possible. I am stunned everywhere I go, every direction I look.
Aside from the beauty, the slower pace of life here on the island has been a welcome surprise. It is calm here, and it’s so easy to be full to the tippy-top with gratitude.
Our first week here we adventured ALL over Oahu. In fact, on Sunday after church, we took a drive around the island, making stops along the way. We walked around the temple on the north shore, and watched the huge waves the storm blew in.
On the sunnier days, we’ve spent hopping around from beach to beach. Wading with fish in sharks cove (which was more of a growing experience for me than you may realize), splashing in the waves at sunset beach, floating in the water at the lagoons. On stormy days, we’ve taken drives through the misty green mountains, to overlooks and ocean views. I love how much there is to do here, and such a variety, too.
We’ve tried to eat everything the island is famous for — so let me know your Oahu favorite eats if you have them! So far we’ve tried motsumotos, DIED over Seven Brothers, obviously loved the malasadas from Leonard’s. Dole whips at the lagoons were a favorite day for me.
It seems impossible to be unhappy here. Staying here with our best friends, in the gorgeous paradise of a place, with the warm weather.. it’s just been so good for my soul. Exactly what I hoped.
Of course traveling with family has it’s ups and downs… I wasn’t feeling well when we landed, and Major got sick with the pukes a day or two into our trip. I realize that even migraines will find us in Hawaii… so it doesn’t FIX all our problems… but it sure gives them all a pretty backdrop. 😉
So far we’re loving the island life.